Sync Briefs


BUDGET: $110,000


BUDGET: $15,500


BUDGET: $12,000


BUDGET: $18,000

Him Sync Brief

Deadline: 05/03/2024 05:00 PM

  • ● Client: Netflix
  • ● Budget: $110,000 All-In
  • ● Territory: Worldwide (Digital)
  • ● Term: In perpetuity
  • ● Deadline: May 3rd, 2024, 5:00 PM PST

Creative Direction

As we dive into the world of “HIM” we are in need of a gripping soundtrack that mirrors the suspense, betrayal, and descent into shadows within the storyline. Our secret assassin protagonist, portrayed by Scarlett Johansson, discovers that her next target is none other than her husband of 15 years, unraveling dark secrets about her seemingly ordinary family life. The themes of betrayal, suspense, and family secrets should resonate in the selected tracks. We envision a musical journey that intensifies the enigma surrounding our protagonist’s life.


Deadline: 03/15/2024 11:30 AM

  • ● Client: Target
  • ● Budget: $15,500
  • ● Territory: US (Digital, Broadcast)
  • ● Term: 6 months (Exclusive)

Creative Direction

As we gear up for the spring/summer campaigns, we envision a soundtrack that perfectly encapsulates the essence of the season. We’re in search of tracks that radiate positivity and tranquility, coupled with a steady beat that effortlessly resonates with the feel-good vibes of the warmer months. The ideal composition should inspire movement, yet maintain a balance by avoiding excessive busyness. Picture a melody that seamlessly blends with the energy of the season, creating an immersive and uplifting experience.


Deadline: 03/18/2024 9:30 AM

  • ● Client: Ally Bank
  • ● Budget: $12,000
  • ● Territory: Worldwide (Digital)
  • ● Term: 9 months (Exclusive)

Creative Direction

For our Ally Bank campaign, we’re in search of a whimsical instrumental track that exudes a bright and happy atmosphere. The ideal composition should feature tight percussion, minimal instruments, catchy melodies, and infectious rhythms. Imagine a soundtrack that brings a smile to the audience, creating a sense of joy and positivity. We want to resonate with Ally Bank’s commitment to a delightful financial experience.


  • 1. Imogen Heap – “Happy Song”

Deadline: 03/18/2024 9:30 AM

  • ● Client: Honda
  • ● Budget: $18,000 All In
  • ● Territory: Worldwide (Digital, Broadcast)
  • ● Term: 3 months (Non-Exclusive)

Creative Direction

Embarking on an adventure with Honda calls for a driving beat that captures the essence of accomplishment and overcoming obstacles. We’re seeking tracks that embody sturdiness, ruggedness, mightiness, and dependability. Picture a sound that resonates with the spirit of an unstoppable journey, where every beat propels the listener forward. The goal is to evoke a sense of triumph and reliability, enhancing the experience of Honda’s dependable vehicles.


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